San Dimas Masonic Lodge No. 428: Fifth Annual Festive Board of Fellowship

April 18, 2013 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
220 N. Monte Vista Ave.
San Dimas
CA 91773

San Dimas Masonic Lodge No. 428 F.& A.M.

Fifth Annual Festive Board of Fellowship

“Literacy & Education”

Seven Course Dinner

Guest Speaker – MW John Lowe
Grand Master of Masons in California

Masons and their ladies welcome

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Social Gathering 5:00 p.m.
March in at 6:00 p.m.

220 N. Monte Vista Ave.
San Dimas CA 91773

$40.00 per person, commemorative cannon included

Reservations are made by sending a check to VW Jack Rose
601 N. Darwood Ave, San Dimas, CA 91773

Come join in the fellowship!