Oasis Lodge welcomes all new applicants and men interested in joining Freemasonry. We have quite a few gentlemen who are interested in joining that will be attending. All Masons are invited to attend to help welcome these candidates to Freemasonry and help answer any questions – and for the fellowship. Masons and candidates from other lodges are welcome to attend. Pizza and refreshments will be served.
Wednesday, August 21, 2012
6:30pm to about 8:00pm
Oasis Lodge No 854 F&AM
@ The Shrine Auditorium
Sahara Patrol Unit Room
(2nd floor, marked 1st floor on the elevator)
655 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Please RSVP by sending an email to RSVP@oasislodge.org or call Simon McIroy at 323-646-2277. This will give us an idea of how much food to order.
Park using the north entrance to the parking structure or gate on W 32nd Street (between Royal St and Shrine Pl), then park in the west parking lot near the south Jefferson gate. The entrance to get in the building is on Jefferson Blvd – walk on the south side of the building heading east from the Al Malaikah Shriners office on the S/W corner of the building – there will be a door ajar that leads upstairs. If you can’t get in, call Simon at the number above.