1122 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles
CA. 90035
Date: Monday, March 9, 2015
Title: Grand Master’s Russell Charvonia’s Reception
Time: Social: 5:00 pm, Dinner: 5:45 pm, Reception 7:00 pm.
Description of Event: Non-traditional Reception of the Grand Master
Where: Ionic Composite Lodge No. 520., 1122 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90035
Who is invited: Open to all for dinner, open portion and reception. EA’s FC’S, and MM’s only for the Stated Meeting section.
Dress: Grand Lodge officers and Ionic Composite Lodge Officers Tuxedo and their ladies formal dress or pantsuit. ALL OTHERS; business suit, ladies: dress or pantsuit
Cost of Event: Dinner: $15.00 by reservation.
Food Served: Brisket or chicken
Reservations (to who and when): RSVP NO LATER THAN 2/21/15 – BY RESERVATION ONLY
Contact for Further Info: Daniel Ferszt, Secretary 310-657-2628 or ionicomp@sbcglobal.net