Glendale Masonic Lodge # 368 – Installation of Officers

January 12, 2013 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
244 North Maryland Avenue Glendale
CA 91206

Date: January 12th, 2013

Title: 108th Annual Installation of Officers

Time: Dinner Reception at Five Thirty Installation at Seven O’clock

Description of Event: Glendale Masonic Lodge # 368 Officers Installation

Where: Glendale Masonic Center 244 North Maryland Avenue Glendale, CA 91206

Who is Invited: All are invited

Dress: Officers Tuxedo, men coat and tie, ladies night dress

Cost of Event: Free

Food Served: Yes

Reservations to: Vram Martirosyan
818-241-9515 by January 8th.