1401 15th Street, Newport Beach
CA 92663
Description of Event: An excellent opportunity for you to clean out your closet or garage and raise money for a worthwhile cause.
Newport Mesa #604 invites you to assist us in raising money for the Grand Master’s ongoing project- “Raising a Reader”. We will be conducting an e-waste recycling event on April 7, 2012. Bring down your old computers, printers, TV’s, copiers, monitors, cell phones, and all other electronic waste. Scrap metal and plastic are also welcome. NO APPLIANCES PLEASE! All proceeds from this event will be donated to Raising a Reader.
If your employer or someone you know is trying to get rid of large amounts of old electronic/computer and related equipment and they need help removing it from site, please contact us and we will make an effort to assist with the transport of the donation. If the date, time or location are too inconvenient, please call for additional opportunities to donate to this event. But if you can make it down to donate in person, it would be good to see our brothers and friends at this event.
Who is Invited: Anyone with a desire to clear out their garage, closet or office space of old electronics and gadgets. Tell your friends! We’ll take their stuff,too!
Dress: Publicly appropriate clothing preferred. Wear your Masonic shirt or jacket if you like.
Contact for Further Info: Jamie Barr (714) 225-2277 or Scott Beuhlmeyer (928) 225-7410